Singing coach
Bauwien van der Meer gives private singing lessons of 40 minutes and 60 minutes, usually every two weeks. The emphasis in these lessons is on the classical singing style and technique of song, oratory and opera repertoire. We can also work on choir parts. She also gives voice production to choirs. Before she took over the direction of the Utrechts Kamerkoor (UKK) on Tuesday evening, she was affiliated with the Utrecht Oratory Association as a singing coach for many years.
Bauwien van der Meer is a member of the Nederlandse Vereniging van Zangpedagogen (NVZ) (the Durch Association of Pedagogics).For a trial session contact:
For the professional code of the Durch Association of Pedagogics: Beroepscode NVZ
picture: © Maurice Lammerts van Buren, 2024